Breast IHC Cancer Cell Phenotyper
The Breast IHC Cancer Cell Phenotyper App is a pre-trained HALO AI object phenotyper designed to phenotype breast cancer cells and normal cells across whole slide images of DAB- and hematoxylin-stained breast cancer tissue. Click on the tabs below to access
Breast IHC Tumor Tissue Detection
The Breast IHC Tumor Detection App is a pre-trained HALO AI classifier designed to detect, segment, and quantify tumor and other area across hematoxylin and DAB-stained whole-slide digital images of breast cancer. Click on the tabs below to access the app’s
Gastric H&E Tumor Tissue Detection
The Gastric H&E Tumor Tissue Detection App is a pre-trained HALO AI masking classifier designed to segment tumor, stroma, necrosis/other, and glass across H&E-stained whole slide images of gastric cancer. Click on the tabs below to access the app’s user guide
HNSCC H&E Tumor Tissue Detection
The HNSCC H&E Tumor Tissue Detection App is a pre-trained HALO AI masking classifier designed to segment tumor, stroma, necrosis/other, and glass across H&E-stained whole slide images of HNSCC. Click on the tabs below to access the app’s user guide and release
NSCLC H&E Tumor Tissue Detection
The NSCLC H&E Tumor Tissue Detection App is a pre-trained HALO AI pre-trained HALO AI masking classifier designed to segment tumor, stroma, necrosis/other, and glass across H&E-stained whole slide images of NSCLC. Click on the tabs below to access the app’s
NSCLC IHC Tumor Tissue Detection
The NSCLC IHC Tumor Tissue Detection App is a pre-trained HALO AI masking classifier designed to detect, quantify, and segment tumor area across DAB-stained, hematoxylin-counterstained whole slide images of NSCLC. Click on the tabs below to access the app’s user guide and
Ovarian H&E Tumor Tissue Detection
The Ovarian H&E Tumor Tissue Detection App is a pre-trained HALO AI masking classifier designed to segment tumor, stroma, necrosis/other, and glass across H&E-stained whole slide images of ovarian cancer. Click on the tabs below to access the app’s user guide and
Pan-Cancer H&E Lymphocyte Cell Phenotyper
The Pan-Cancer H&E Lymphocyte Cell Phenotyper App is a pre-trained HALO AI phenotyper designed to detect and quantify lymphocytes across whole slide H&E-stained images of multiple tumor types. Click on the tabs below to access the app’s user guide and release